Rehabilitative Devices

Gloreha Sinfonia Upper Limb Rehabilitation System (Robotic-assisted glove and mobile arm support) 

Quadriciser Robotic Rehab Therapy System (upper and lower body passive and active range of motion

Saebo ReJoyce (Computerized task-oriented training of the arm)

Pablo by Tyromotion (robotic and computer-assisted therapy device for the arm)

ArmeoSenso for home (a wireless computerized task-oriented arm training system)

Smart Board by Neofect (a virtual-reality adapted mobile arm support)

The Motus Home Hand Mentor and Digital Therapist. is a pneumatic-powered exercise device for the wrist. A computer monitor connects to the hand device and displays games that provide the user with an interactive way to do their therapy.

The MusicGlove Hand Therapy is a therapeutic finger device that uses music and games to provide the user with an interactive way to do their therapy. The MusicGlove is connected to a computer monitor.

Neofect Smart Glove is a high-tech rehab device that measures movements of the forearm, wrist, and digits with accelerometer and bending sensors.

Page last updated: 1/2021