Electrical Stimulation
Neuromuscular Electrical stimulation (FES/NMES) sends electrical impulses to your muscles to produce a muscle contraction for functional activities.
Sensory Electrical stimulation sends impulses to the nerves underneath your skin to improve your sensation.
Biofeedback devices use electrical sensors that help you receive information about your body. This feedback helps you make changes in your body, such as relaxing muscles that have spasticity.
*Do not attempt electrical stimulation without your doctor's knowledge. Particularly if you have any of the following medical conditions:
- A pacemaker or electrical implant, cancer, a heart condition, unstable joints near the area of electrical stimulation, or wounds, tumors, or pierced skin near the area of electrical stimulation.

FES/NMES Unit: Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation units target specific muscle groups to through electrodes on the skin. There are many options for NMES units.

SaeboStim Go: The SaeboStim Go is a wireless, wearable NMES unit that allows for more free movement during stimulation.

Biomove Home: This biofeedback device was specifically designed to detect signals left in muscles of a paralyzed arm or leg after stroke and trigger muscle movement for re-education.

The Bioness H200 Wireless Hand Rehabilitation System supports the wrist in a functioning position, and uses neuromuscular electrical stimulation to allow the fingers and thumb to move while reaching, grasping and pinching.

SaeboStim Micro: This device provides sensory stimulation to the hand and arm through an electro-mesh garment. It is used to decrease muscle spasticity and edema, while re-educating the muscles in the arm and hand.

The Xcite Functional Electrical Stimulation is a portable neuromuscular electrical stimulation device that has 12 stimulation channels. So the user can stimulate different parts of the arm, shoulder, back, and legs while performing functional activities.

RT300 FES system is a bicycle and computer program for the arm, trunk, and legs using a combination of neuromuscular electrical stimulation that provides assistance and resistance activities.

NBETTER Stroke Rehabilitation system is a rehabilitation system that detects your arm movement using Electroencephalography (EEG) based Neuro-feedback as you participate in computer games.

NeuroMove Stroke Rehabilitation is a device that combines biofeedback and electrical stimulation to teach you how to relax spastic muscles.

Myocycle Home is a leg neuromuscular electrical stimulation bike for the home.

The Saebo Myotrac Infinity is a device that combines biofeedback with electrical stimulation. It is helpful for people who have difficulty relaxing or shutting off their spastic muscles.

The Neurotrac MyoPlus is a device that combines biofeedback with electrical stimulation. Once you attempt to contract your muscle, the electrical stimulation assists by stimulating that muscle.

The MyoPro Orthosis uses faint nerve signals (myoelectric signals) from the surface of the skin to activate small motors that helps move the arm as the user intends (no electrical stimulation)
This video demonstrates how to set up electrical stimulation to elicit finger extension.
This video demonstrates how to set up electrical stimulation on the triceps to elicit elbow extension during a weight-bearing task.