Managing Shoulder Pain
Shoulder subluxation can occur due to muscle weakness or spasticity. The humerus (upper arm bone) drops down or moves forward or backward in the shoulder socket. A shoulder subluxation is not painful until it is forcefully moved. This is called a shoulder impingement. A shoulder impingement can occur when a caregiver attempts to pull or lift you by the arm, improper positioning of your arm while in bed, chairs, or when walking, or if you improperly stretch your arm.

Explore the photos and links below to learn how to prevent or reduce shoulder pain:

Techniques to Reduce Shoulder Pain

The Giv-Mohr sling places the shoulder in proper alignment and supports the arm while walking.

The Omo Neurexa Plus places the shoulder in proper alignment and can be put on with one hand.

The Saebo Stim One, a wireless electrical stimulation device, is designed to prevent or reduce muscle weakness of the shoulder by strengthening the affected muscles.
*There are medical conditions in which electrical stimulation is not safe to use. Always seek guidance from a medical professional.

A TENS unit is electrical stimulation that does not produce a muscle contraction, but it uses a low voltage electric current to reduce pain.
*There are medical conditions in which electrical stimulation is not safe to use. Always seek guidance from a medical professional.

Kinesiotape can support the shoulder joint and reduce pain. An occupational therapist can teach someone how to apply it properly.

Placing your hand on a simple handbag worn across your body may provide enough support to your affected shoulder to reduce shoulder pain when walking.

Using a pain measurement scale number when describing your shoulder pain can help the doctor or medical professional treat accordingly.
Page last updated 11/2020